Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Tattoo Artist Yann Travaille

Take the childish freedoms that come from coloring with crayons and the unique appeal of pen sketches or doodling and you get the refreshing originality of French tattoo artist Yann Travaille.

Yann’s style has created quite a new buzz in the last year in the world of Inking and it is easy to see why. While tattoo artists are a dime-a-dozen, what really makes one stand out from the rest is if there is either such a refinement to the craft that when the workmanship is viewed up close you know of only a handfull of artists capable of that quality or detail, OR the style of that artist is so unique that their work can be instantly recognizable (like fashion trend Ed Hardy).

Well, Yann’s style can certainly be put into that category. It has a rough, irregular quality, a filling method reminescent of crayon or colored pencil, and reminds me of artwork that I would have seen on old Pee-Chee folders (and yes I know that I am dating myself).

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